Homeowners and renters spend $2,200 a year for household utilities. More than half of that is for light bills. 

Reduced energy consumption helps you conserve energy and finances every month. 

Energy reduction allows you to keep cool or warm without draining your finances. People with lower utility bills increase the value of their homes. Energy efficient homes sell faster because they have a higher resale value

Buyers and renters favor nice homes with lower electrical costs. 

From appliances to windows, if you’re aiming for reduced energy consumption, read on. Here are five smart ways to reduce your home’s energy use.

1. Window Replacement Is a Good First Step in Reduced Energy Consumption

If you feel a draft throughout your home, chances are you’re losing energy. Drafts are a clear signal of power seeping through walls and windows.

The energy that escapes the home involuntarily can raise your electrical costs each month.

Save yourself some money by replacing the windows. By switching out single-pane windows with Energy Star windows, you can cut your bill down by a third. To help with the expense of window replacement, apply for the federal tax credit.

The FTC reimburses homeowners up to 10% of replacement costs that don’t exceed $200. For the best window replacement company, weigh your options and choose one that fits your wallet. 

2. Appliances

Unused appliances plugged into electrical circuits are a waste of energy and finances.

Unplug things when you leave a room and when you’re finished with an electronic.

Laptops, power strips, and cellphone chargers don’t need to remain in the wall after use. Turn the power strip off and remove the cell phone and laptop cord from the outlet.

And, although some appliances have ‘standby’ modes, they still suck energy. Save yourself some money and disconnect them.

3. Choose a Temperature and Stick with It

Depending on where you live, power companies have different rules for energy consumption.

A lot of it has to do with the degree of your home’s thermostat. 

There are ways to keep your home cool in the summer without lowering the temperature too far. Choose a comfortable degree like 74 degrees and use ceiling fans to circulate the coolness throughout the home. 

In the winter, try not to set the thermostat above 70 for heating. Wear socks and light shirts with sleeves. Also, sleep under heavier blankets in the winter. 

Keeping your thermostat set to a specific degree in winter and summer saves energy. 

4. Shorter Showers

Everyone enjoys the comfort of a luxurious shower after a long, hard day’s work. But if it’s a hot shower, you’re paying extra by the minute.

Hot water consumes energy. 

Americans shower for an average of 8 minutes. That’s twenty gallons of hot water by the EPA’s standard. By shaving your shower time down to five minutes or less, you reduce energy and save yourself a small bundle. 

5. Go Dark and LED 

One of the best ways to conserve and reduce energy is to go dark. Hit the light switch when you leave a room. 

Something as minor as leaving a small lamp on in a room burns energy. Only use lights in the room you’re occupying. Take savings a step further by replacing traditional lights with LED lights. 

LED bulbs use less electricity and last longer than their incandescent counterparts. 

Reduce Energy

Reduced energy consumption is all about making smarter energy choices. What’s in use costs you, and what’s not in use can as well.

Upgrade appliances and fixtures in your home to Energy Star quality products. For everything else, turn it off and unplug it. 

Make more changes to your home and family life. Read more of our lifestyle guides here for additional inspiration.