It is very common for websites to get hacked, leading to an utter chaos. Hackers compromise web security norms, steal and misrepresent your content while completely seizing the hosting server. Such incidents damage the credibility of your website by making crucial information available to perform fraudulent activities. These can be avoided provided you take stringent web security steps. These steps can raise a strong wall against hackers and foil their attempts to access your website. For all those who are looking to provide that additional layer of security to their websites, here are some of the proven means to implement.

1.Ensure That Your Software is Up-To-Date At All Times

‘Update’ is the buzzword that should be constantly ringing in the ears of website owners. It is a fact that a number of websites operating with insecure or obsolete software are susceptible to automated hacking attacks. It is also the age of bots which are constantly on the lookout for vulnerable websites.

If you feel that you can secure your website with a monthly update, think twice. Bots quickly spot defenseless and outdated websites and compromise their security. WordPress site owners can bank on WP Updates Notifier to get constant updates about core, themes and plugins. Alternatively, you can also install a strong firewall to your website that will enable you to effectively filter and inspect every bit of information that comes to your site.

2.Migrate To The HTTPS Protocol

You should immediately migrate your HTTP site to the HTTPS protocol. By doing this, you will be adding an additional layer of encryption to your HTTP site. You can do this by installing a Wildcard SSL Certificate to your website. Through a single Wildcard SSL certificate you can encrypt your website URL and all the subdomains.

Encryption via the SSL certificate foils the attempts of hackers to access your website. Given the fact that the HTTPS protocol is mandatory for all the interfaces facilitating online payments, the migration from HTTP to HTTPS also leads to better Google search rankings. This way, an SSL certificate can benefit your website in multiple ways.

3.Use Strong, Long and Unique Passwords

Passwords are the keys to your website. Hence you should always provide unique usernames and passwords to your site that cannot be guessed by hackers. Having long and complex passwords for your admin logins, database and your website server is essential for web security.

Moreover, implementing risk-based authentication enhances security by evaluating various factors, such as user behavior, location, and device information, to adaptively determine the level of authentication required, thereby fortifying defenses against unauthorized access attempts.

Along with a combination of numbers and alphabets that can be of 12 character length, your password should include special characters. It is also an intelligent move to avoid using similar passwords for various website logins and change them frequently.

6.Choose a Secure Web Host

Another means to secure your website is to sign up with a popular and trustworthy web hosting enterprise. A web hosting company that is completely aware of your website vulnerabilities and which delivers round-the-clock technical assistance can promise better web protection. The hosting company which ensures constant data backups to a remote server can become your top choice. Such backups enable you to restore all the lost information in the event your website is hacked.

5.Backups – The Need Of The Hour

Especially with websites, you should always expect the unexpected. You may lose everything in a matter of seconds. It is for this reason that you should consider backing up your crucial information time and again. Here are some time-tested website backup tips that you can employ. Along with initiating regular backups, you should also exercise caution regarding the storage location of these backups.

6.Clean Up Your Website

You should keep in mind that hackers gain entry into your website through plugins, applications and your database. Hence it is very important to delete all those entry points that are obsolete to your site. Additionally, you should also ensure that you organize your file structure so that you can identify any change that is made.


Apart from the above-described ways to secure your website, you can also hire a security expert to perform complete website security audits at regular intervals. Additionally, you can also ensure that your admin directories cannot be easily spotted by hackers. Such moves provide a comprehensive security to your website protecting it from all the possible threats that can cause a security breach.